hi friends,
there seems to be a problem with the mails, some people are not receiving them.
Andrej, Dasa and Milja seem to among those. Anyone else that we know about?
Salud Danielo
Hey people,
Just to let you know that I´m receiving e-mails from the group. If we are facing problems with this Eyfa mailing list, maybe we could just switch to a regular Gmail list. I don´t know, this is first time I see that there are some problems with the mailing list.
Danielo, what is this Open PGP signature in the attachment? When I open it, I see just some code or something like that...
Cheers Sasha
čet, 25. stu 2021. u 08:53 DoV danielov@posteo.net napisao je:
hi friends,
there seems to be a problem with the mails, some people are not receiving them.
Andrej, Dasa and Milja seem to among those. Anyone else that we know about?
Salud Danielo
Deep-t-orga mailing list -- deep-t-orga@eyfa.org To unsubscribe send an email to deep-t-orga-leave@eyfa.org
I also received this email. Maybe I/we can receive emails if Danielo or Andrej are sending them but not if Federico is sending them?
Kind regards, Milja
*Potrudi se da značajno smanjiš upotrebu plastike u svakodnevnom životu. Ona je od nedavno deo naših života, svega par decenija, istorijski beznačajno, a čini nesagledivu, dugotrajnu štetu celoj planeti.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * *Make an honest effort to radically reduce usage of plastic in your everyday life. Plastic has been around for a very short while, historically insignificant, but it has already made an unimaginable longterm harm to the whole planet.*
On Thu, 25 Nov 2021 at 10:37, Saša Petrović sapetrovic22@gmail.com wrote:
Hey people,
Just to let you know that I´m receiving e-mails from the group. If we are facing problems with this Eyfa mailing list, maybe we could just switch to a regular Gmail list. I don´t know, this is first time I see that there are some problems with the mailing list.
Danielo, what is this Open PGP signature in the attachment? When I open it, I see just some code or something like that...
Cheers Sasha
čet, 25. stu 2021. u 08:53 DoV danielov@posteo.net napisao je:
hi friends,
there seems to be a problem with the mails, some people are not receiving them.
Andrej, Dasa and Milja seem to among those. Anyone else that we know about?
Salud Danielo
Deep-t-orga mailing list -- deep-t-orga@eyfa.org To unsubscribe send an email to deep-t-orga-leave@eyfa.org
Deep-t-orga mailing list -- deep-t-orga@eyfa.org To unsubscribe send an email to deep-t-orga-leave@eyfa.org