Hello everyone,
the dates of Activity 1 is approaching fast.
1. I confirm that we have booked both the place where to held the activity and the hotel, both in Fagagna https://www.google.com/maps/place/33034+Fagagna,+Province+of+Udine/data=!4m2...
Soon we will send out an email with details of the locations and to arrange the transfer from Udine (where buses and trains stop) and Fagagna.
2. We are preparing a draft agenda for our meeting and we will circulate this week. Please let me know if you have any specific questions/suggestions.
3.IMPORTANT: in advance of the meeting please be familiar with the documents (plural!) of DEEP-T already prepared, I suggest also to bring printed versions. I would like to avoid discussion about things that we have already decide. To clarify: everything can be discussed and modified but please be aware of the work already done. All documents accessible here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OYgaNkO9I10_9vDTUx3lf0WeELnvoRhm?usp...
4. Covid-19 rapid test should be in the 48h before the meeting, sorry if I did not mention this in the previous email. You can either send me the results by email or show me when in Fagagna at the start of activity 1.