Hey everybody! I hope you are well and that there is enough honesty and inspiration in your lives these days. I have here our hip-hop lyrics: could you please just read your part of the lyrics, the lyrics of the group you participated in, and check them. It's less than 3 minutes probably. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10oEiM5X5nPh2avsWAn2hdKmjfuHRhjq-KdmY_pwh...
Have a good day, Milja
*Potrudi se da značajno smanjiš upotrebu plastike u svakodnevnom životu. Ona je od nedavno deo naših života, svega par decenija, istorijski beznačajno, a čini nesagledivu, dugotrajnu štetu celoj planeti.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * *Make an honest effort to radically reduce usage of plastic in your everyday life. Plastic has been around for a very short while, historically insignificant, but it has already made an unimaginable longterm harm to the whole planet.*