Dear Team,
Reading Andrej's email, it's exactly what I feel- think they want to do; for me this is a fact of water, forests and species, people.
I understand your concerns, even though I do not agree with them, we come from Abya Yala, and our way to see the world is a bit different, with this I want to say, that this whole theatre peace is just a reflection of many years of destruction, I DO NOT trust at all at governments, even less to Italian and Spanish, which are fascists by history, aaaa in my heart, I feel COVID is a very energetic sickness and based on code- information, like all virus.
I think they want us to be scared and cracked, we know that a lock down, culture silence and fear are the now a days ways. mmmm dit so, I just apply for a program of Intercultural Societies, financed by EU+ between BCN- ROME & BERLIN mmnnn so, still I dont think that traveling like nothing is happening is not an option, but also, stoping and all this discurse does not makes scense to me.
About GAIA, I am close to their way of thinking, as I could read, masks are not saving anybody. Still dont know the people, place, energy... so my opinion is weak.
El 2021-04-07 14:29, Andrej Fideršek escribió:
Hi everyone,
I hope you're all holding on well in these times. Here's a short update from Slovenia.
The situation resembles a proper tragedy. Our death toll per 1M people, puts us into top 10 in the world. The state is in the hands of a right-wing party with strong proto-fascist tendencies. Strange or rather calculated decisions in favour of the party members are made under the guise of corona relief packages. The state apparatus has been hijacked and the government doesn't even care about the virus anymore, this lockdown situation is perfect for them and they would like to continue like this into perpetuity. The _National energy and climate plan_ has been an utter disaster and rejected by the EU, last weekend we were collecting signatures for a referendum banning construction on protected water areas, now they also put in a bill that would allow logging in the remaining old-growth forests. The government wants to create lists of people from other nationalities and various more radical elements of the right-wing are creating hit lists for the most vocal leftists. The list of bad shit goes on and it's difficult to follow everything this government does.
Most of the people are fed up with everything and do their bare minimum in preventing the spread or are openly against various protective measures, since some identify everything with government oppression now. Anti-vax movements are thriving but at the same time there's not enough vaccine for those of us who want it. To be honest it's really hard to follow various nonsensical measures which keep changing day by day and are leaving us in a state of distorted reality.
OK, so in regards to the in-person meeting. I'm fine with postponing it until the next year.
The same goes for the event, we have no problem if it happens next year.
I'm indifferent when it comes to the venue. It can take place in Gaia Terra, as they seem to have nice amenities and plenty of space. Or we can have a decentralised kind of event like you mentioned Fede.
As for our organisation, Zero waste Žalec, which is now under the Tourist Association Žalec, we are doing quite good. We have 2-3 events per month so we are quite active while at the same time respecting safety measures. There's plenty of bigger projects planned for the summer so, postponing our Erasmus event to next year sounds good.
Wish you all a lot of health and resilience for the future
Speak soon, Andrej
V V tor., 6. apr. 2021 ob 16:02 je oseba Natasa Chatziioannou napisala:
Dear Fede and Sasa,
It's very good to read your replies. I am good here, even if the situation in Greece is about out off control. Here in Greece we are reaching the maximum numbers of covid cases and we are still in lockdown and travel restrictions. Alhough the government would like to open the country for tourism. Everything is very unpredictable and unsecure. Although I am in a very nice and safe place.
Sasa thank you very much for letting us know what is going on with your organization. As we all know, things like this happening, as happened with
Agroecopolis, and is good when we can find sollutions and adaptations. I hope that the new organization launch soon and we are in touch anyways.
According to Gaia Terra I definatelly agree with Fede that is not possible to have a venue in a negotionist site, so we have to reconsider this possibility.
About the dates I am also thinking seriously to postpone the event for 2022, although we can have the preparatory visit after summer to get to know each other and organize the next steps.
As the situation is still like this, let's vote to a pole when is the good moment for us to meet and we discuss everything extensively.
I would like also to here from the other organizations as well.
All the best to everyone.
On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 at 13:50, Saša Petrović wrote:
Hi dear people,
I hope you are all well, which is not an easy task nowadays.
Situation is Serbia related to Covid 19 is quite absurd. We have plenty of all the vaccines existing at the moment (Chinese, Russian, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca), and so far about 1 million of people are vaccinated at the moment. But, the problem is that there is a quite a lot of population unwilling to take the vaccine. As vaccines have an expiry date, the government is doing a pro-vaccination campaign which is not giving much results. In order to use the vaccines before expiry date, Serbian government has offered vaccine to neighbouring countries citizens. So, now we have people from Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia ecc. coming to Serbia to take the vaccine. As strange as the whole situation is, at least it is building the bridges and solidarity between the countries in the Balcans region.
Related to our project, I´m quite unsecure related to the decision of implementing the project in this year. I have a feeling that we are all leaning towards the decision of implementing the project in 2022. And as much as i see, Federico, you are also very unsecure of having the youth exchange in Italy at the present moment. Also, as the vaccination hasn´t started yet seriously in Italy and EU countries, the whole thing of having the youth exchange this summer, brings a lot of possible and unnecessary risk for the participants.The only thing which I´m sure about is having a project team preparatory meeting this year in order to maintain the dynamics and spirit of the project.
Related to the situation in Polekol, some of the Polekol members are splitting up. Precisely, me and one of my colleagues are forming a new organisation. We currrently in the process of the registration of the new organisation. The new organisation will step in the Deep-T project instead of Polekol. The decision we have made is based on differences between some members of the Polekol on topic of the strategical development of the Polekol as an organisation. We concluded that some of us see very different these questions. Therefore, we have made the decision to split up among in order to be able to pursue our different paths. I would like to emphasize that we have made this decision in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere and that we (Polekol members) will collaborate in the future, just under the different conditions.
To summarise, in terms of the Deep-T project, everything remains, more or less the same. I will remain in the project under the same role as from the beginning. There are also other colleagues of mine who will help with the project in terms of capacities. So, the only thing that changes is that new organisation will step in instead of the Polekol.
I wanted to inform all of you about this process once we register the new organisation, but. since Fede has mentioned it, I decided to let you know now about the whole thing. I sincerely hope that all of you are fine with this decision. We can talk about it in the next meeting if anybody has need for a deeper understanding of this decision.
Fede, please, put the Doodle so we can precise the next meeting. For me it is the same the first and the second half of the April
Cheers Sasha
pon, 5. tra 2021. u 15:50 venturini napisao je:
Hello Natasa,
thanks a lot for your email and reminder.
Here in Italy we are still in the third wave and our region is currently "red" and in lockdown.
The situation is not easy and I have no idea when movements will be allowed again.
Regarding Gaia Terra. Unfortunately people in Gaia Terra are open negationists of the current pandemic.
The had a outbreak in December but almost all refused to do the test (because "they are not reliable"). Only 2 did and got positive, all the others had covid-compatible symptoms (lost of taste, fever, etc). Plus they did not clearly anknowledge it and the covid spread outside as well. Currently they are having public events outside even without masks. Their position is that "we accept your position on the virus, you have to accept our".
I do not want even to comment but it seems clear that, as we said in our previous meetings, we cannot have our event in a negationist venue.
This complicates a lot everything and it will be difficult to find a new venue capable enough. Maybe we should explore the possibility to host (summer 2022) the people in comrades houses and rent a space only for the events.
Polekol is having some troubles and I think that Sasa will soon update us on the mailing list.
So... when next meeting?
Are you happy mid April or second half? I can open a doodle for more precises date/hours.
On 05/04/2021 11:41, Natasa Chatziioannou wrote:
Hello everyone!
How is the beggining of the Spring? How are the restrictions in your countries?
I was thinking these days about our project.
As summer is a step closer, I suggest to have a meeting and take a desicion on what are we going to do. I believe that is the moment to take a desicion whether we are going this year or not. What are you all thinking about?
Regards from Greece.
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