Hello everyone, during Activity 1 we spoke about requiring the covid vaccines to the participants because we are unable to cover the costs for everyone for entry and exit molecular test. I recall that we spoke about putting (or not) a question on the form but the minutes are incomplete and there is nothing about it. So, what shall we do? Given that we cannot see the future but we are expecting a better situation with the Spring, which are the conditions for you all to come in Italy?
Some info from the travellers to Italy here https://www.esteri.it/en/ministero/normativaonline/focus-cittadini-italiani-...https://www.esteri.it/en/ministero/normativaonline/focus-cittadini-italiani-in-rientro-dall-estero-e-cittadini-stranieri-in-italia/eri-in-italia/https://www.esteri.it/en/ministero/normativaonline/focus-cittadini-italiani-in-rientro-dall-estero-e-cittadini-stranieri-in-italia/
Federico Venturini Ph.D. in Human Geography University of Udine
federicoventurini.academia.eduhttps://federicoventurini.academia.edu twitter.com/Federic20976817https://twitter.com/Federic20976817