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Zelena Tranzicija is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Deep-T meeting
Time: Jun 16, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
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Hello everyone,
at this link you can find the minutes of today meeting (thank you Sasa).
We decided on the first division for the money: we will pay people engaged during activity 2. This means that we will split the remaining money at a later date among the people that worked from the writing process, activity 1 and just before activity 2.
Please wait a few days for the money transfer because I want to clarify some issues with the National Agency regarding the bureaucracy around these transfers.
Federico Venturini
Ph.D. in Human Geography
University of Udine<><>
Hello everyone,
I hope that everyone is back safe home and managed to have some good sleeping.
Below are some essential updates divided by points as usual.
1. the venue. We are taking care of the venus in Fagagna, we will update you this week regarding some minor issues.
2. report and bureaucracy. I have to put my head on this point, more will come soon.
3. reimbursement. I am finalising the payments and I am still waiting for some questions for reimbursement from some groups.
1. money. People have already asked me for some payment. Let's be clear again: given that it was the first project and the precarious situation of the last months (German participation, change of venue, etc) we will not be sure about how much will be left from the budget to be distributed. However, I would like to stress two important points. First, I would like to be transparent regarding expenses so I will share the account movements when all transfers are finalised and we can check them together online on a call. Second, we always postponed the discussion on how to split the remaining money. I believe that now we have to start to address key questions on who will be paid (singular people? the groups? a mix?) and how much (a fixed price? a percentage of the final amount?). Please remember that the National Agency will have to transfer us the last tranche of money only after all the documents are approved.
2. Next steps. My mind is running fast and I have already some proposals to discuss.
3. Minimum program:
4. - K1 in Fagna organised by the Italian group (managed by Fede), 7 days, 40 participants in total
5. Maximum project:
6. - K1 in Mondeggi (Italy) organised by a foreign group, the application can be very similar to the one of the new K1, Gabriele will be the person in charge on the ground. Time and participants to discuss
7. - K2 let's try it 🙂
8. For all the overall projects, I suggest to frame them around the post-covid / climate change perspective and using the concept of eco-social action to bring together the environmental and social spheres.
10. 6. next meeting. I suggest having a meeting at the end of May. Before opening a doodle could you please tell me if there is any no-go date?
I love you all, cheers
Federico Venturini
Ph.D. in Human Geography
University of Udine<><>
Hello everyone,
on the 6th of May we have this activity
Afternoon 2
The ecological and economic crisis (all associations)
The sustainability approach (Agroecopolis)
Analyse the roots of the ecological and social-economic crises.
Exploration of terms like climate change, ecosystem, sustainability, resilience.
Introducing the sustainable approach.
40 min examples of ecological and economic crisis
20 minutes introduction of the sustainability approach
30 min whole group discussion
I would like to have the name of the person that will intervene for each group. If you need any additional information please let me know.
Federico Venturini
Ph.D. in Human Geography
University of Udine<><>
Hello everyone,
as you may know, this is the first time that I am fully coordinating a Key-1 with a family. I am navigating this new experience and find agreements with my partner regarding family commitments.
Said this, I have to inform that I cannot come on the 5th in Fagagna but I am coming for our meeting on the 6th.
I also have to ask if someone can meet me in Udine around 16.30 to carry some food.
I am deeply sorry and I totally understand that it is far from ideal.
I hope that we can find a better solution together to the problems that this may cause.
In solidarity
PS: Tuesday morning I am back in Fagagna for few more checks
Federico Venturini
Ph.D. in Human Geography
University of Udine<><>