_______________________________________________Hello everyone,some updates from the visit to the venue that I and Giada visited this week.
- this is the address https://www.google.com/maps/@46.1021517,13.1144121,3a,75y,336.97h,81.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_hx1QVlKVU76IkCn18DDHQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 only few hundres meters from Damatrà
- the building is owned by the local Christian church. It was recently refurbished by the municipality to host the local elementary school while there were refurbishing the "official" building.
- the space is big and we can use it for both sleeping/eating and some activities (inside/outside). Possible division of the space: A. at the ground floor: big room (a gym) for male dormitory, big but less big room for refectory (with also sink/water), 3 rooms for activities. B. upstairs: 2 big rooms for female dormitory, a room for not too big meetings.
- we will sleep on the floor covered by linoleum. people have to bring their sleeping bag and floor mats.
- benches and tables are alrady in the building
- plenty of toilets everywhere, we will have to close some
- we have only one shower, this is an issue. More showers are in a gym owned by the municipality, 1km from Damatrà.
- there is a small kitchen that needs some cleaning. there are also huge grills for outside. There are some big pots for cooking but no small items.
- we can use the space outside, we could also play footbal/basketball 🙂
- the building has a heating system that we can use if needed (I hope not)
- the owner did not set a price but asked for a donation depending on how much space and resources we use (water/heating system). Any suggestions?
- all DEEP-T participants will be insured by Damatrà during all the time, regardless where they are (this is great). No costs for us.
If I miss something Giada feel free to add.Please let me know if you need more info.Cheers
Federico VenturiniPh.D. in Human GeographyUniversity of Udine
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