_______________________________________________Hello everyone,the meeting will be held on Zoom between 6:00 PM -7:00 PM Central time.
Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 575 962 3160
PS: are the Spanish and German groups participating?
Federico VenturiniPh.D. in Human GeographyUniversity of Udine
Da: Federico Venturini <federico.venturini@uniud.it>
Inviato: giovedì 2 dicembre 2021 22:36
A: deep-t-orga@eyfa.org <deep-t-orga@eyfa.org>
Oggetto: FOR THE GERMAN AND SPANISH CONTINGENT R: [Deep-t-orga] some key pointsHello everyone,I just checked the doodle and it seems that the Dec 6 Monday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM is the most favourable timeslot.Unfortunately no people from the German and Spanish contingent have replied so far. Would that timeframe suit you? Could you please fill the doodle?
Federico VenturiniPh.D. in Human GeographyUniversity of Udine
Da: Natasa Chatziioannou <chatziioannou.n@gmail.com>
Inviato: martedì 30 novembre 2021 21:05
A: Federico Venturini <federico.venturini@uniud.it>; deep-t-orga@eyfa.org <deep-t-orga@eyfa.org>
Oggetto: Re: [Deep-t-orga] some key pointsHello everyone!
1. Federico I am whishing you good luck! I believe that you will make a fantastic agreement.
2. The new organisation that I am participating is launched. I will add one of them in the list.3. The program is as we prepared it in the activity 1. The only think that we have to discuss is the formation of the base groups and when is going to happen.
This point was not clear and we decided to discuss it again all together.
4. I don't remember who was in charge, but I can help.5. Voted
Regards to all of you!
On Sun, 28 Nov 2021 at 00:23, Federico Venturini <federico.venturini@uniud.it> wrote:
_______________________________________________hi all,I hope that you are safe and good.
- In the coming week, the mayor of Fagagna should give the final answer regarding the place to host the people. I am quite optimistic.
- The Green and German teams still have only one person on this mailing list, should be two.
- no one said anything about the revised program that I sent more and a month ago, I presume that everyone is happy.
- here is the last version of the file https://docs.google.com/document/d/18fYKDwT79HaJ-IYUNf1Xq9AWedCT1b9x/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114546397370818274172&rtpof=true&sd=true
- As soon as we have the confirmation, we need to go soon live with the google form for the selection of participants with also all the info. Who can prepare it? Who was in the group in Activity 1 working on this?
- This was the last version of the participants form https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c9_8ZZbHWRvC0xkx-95ORn1EEqh-rronfAC-EgDI34A/edit?usp=sharing
We need also some general information (regarding deep-t contents and logistics), I think that the Italian team can handle this part.
- we need to have soon a meeting, here is a doodle https://doodle.com/poll/p95e3giue4pgxxe8?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
Please let me know if you have any questions
Federico VenturiniPh.D. in Human GeographyUniversity of Udine
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