I would like to ask if you can remove sheiladarmos@gmail.com
from the list. According to Christos I will ask a desicion from him during the next days.

On Tue, 28 Sept 2021 at 17:30, Federico Venturini <venturini@inventati.org> wrote:

Please insert in the mailing list

Daša: dasheq@gmail.com
Jona: jonkl.veler@gmail.com

So far the Greek, Serbian, Spanish and German teams did not propose any additional members to the mailing list. I would like to remember that the core group is made by 2 people from each organisation.



On 26/09/2021 22:16, Federico Venturini wrote:

I would like to ask to all the coordinators from each organisation to
check if the "new" people of each group wants to be inserted in this
mailing list. (We did not do this during activity 1 because we said to
leave time to think).

Furthermore we have a telegram group for short/informal (please be
considerate!) messages. Please contact me (my telegram account is
@fedeudine) if you want to be inserted.



Deep-t-orga mailing list -- deep-t-orga@eyfa.org
To unsubscribe send an email to deep-t-orga-leave@eyfa.org