Hi Giada!
Sorry, you are correct: I remembered differently, probably from when we were working on the programme - I thought that after the afternoon activity we had more obligatory activities (assemblies, working on team project, team buddies etc.) that was in that evening slot. But I was wrong.
We can discuss tomorrow at the meeting what this structured time could be if we are in the church house.
have a good day everybody,
Hi Miljia!
Actually I don't see that much
on the program... It says just "structured free time" so we can still
manage to organize something. Don't you think?
there was nothing planned I just asked Damatrà for information what was
their idea about the time that the place stays open and they replied
like this.
There are some benches and tables in the school, we'll use them for the breakfasts so there's no problem with that.
Potrudi se da značajno smanjiš upotrebu plastike u svakodnevnom životu. Ona je od nedavno deo naših života, svega par decenija, istorijski beznačajno, a čini nesagledivu, dugotrajnu štetu celoj planeti.
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Make an honest effort to radically reduce usage of plastic in your everyday life. Plastic has been around for a very short while, historically insignificant, but it has already made an unimaginable longterm harm to the whole planet.