Hi Fede!
As for the solidarity fee I suppose it will be between 50 and 100 euros, but we left that to be on voluntary basis and we didn't ask people to declare how much they will give. I will also suggest that we collect it in an anonymous way.
As for food, the google form is being filled it at the moment I suppose that will help in figuring out the vegetarian / vegan supply proportions.
Potrudi se da značajno smanjiš upotrebu plastike u svakodnevnom životu. Ona je od nedavno deo naših života, svega par decenija, istorijski beznačajno, a čini nesagledivu, dugotrajnu štetu celoj planeti.
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Make an honest effort to radically reduce usage of plastic in your everyday life. Plastic has been around for a very short while, historically insignificant, but it has already made an unimaginable longterm harm to the whole planet.