Hey guys,

I can´t take over the responsibility for these activities, since it is not my area, but I can for sure help in facilitation and moderation activities

ned, 1. svi 2022. u 23:12 Federico Venturini <federico.venturini@uniud.it> napisao je:
Hello everyone,
on the 6th of May we have this activity:

Morning 2

General assembly

Introduction to consensus decision making (who?)

Addressing participants needs

( moderates?)

Share responsibility and empower the group

Foster mutual care and attention to participants needs

Support participants learning

Enable self-organisation structures

Meeting facilitation tools, consensus decision making, harvesting needs

this was planned for Danielo.
Given that he is not coming, who can take responsibility?
If no one, I will do it given that I gave some curses on consensus (any help would be highly appreciated). (I have already asked Danielo some material)

Federico Venturini
Ph.D. in Human Geography
University of Udine

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