Thanks for sharing the news Michal. I was also saddened and shocked to hear this. After knowing about it, I planted flowers and wrote a poem for her. So Kitty, I really appreciate your words and proposal, it made me feel a sense of biketour community, but personally I don't feel the need to do a virtual gathering, I did a small ritual already. Thank your for your words as well Melody :-) I hope you are all doing well :-) I send you all hugs from Barcelona, Ana
Missatge de GUETAHOUN Mélody del dia dl., 3 d’ag. 2020 a les 19:52:
Hi Kitty, I totally agree with you... I feel like we lost a member of our family, because at that moment, Ecotopia Bike Tour 2018 was kind of my family. And it's like only the people who where there could understand the pain (excepted Tika's family and friends, of course..). I don't know what to say.. I admired her a lot. She was so strong. So brave, and generous, spreading love and carfulness all around her. A beautiful spirit, with a flower crown...
Le dim. 2 août 2020 10:35, Kitty-Jean Laginha a écrit :
Thanks Michal for sharing this terrible news.
I was so deeply saddened to hear this recently, as I'm sure many of us will be, who met and loved Tika and shared her wonderful company - no matter how much time each person spent on the tour 2 years ago. I don't know if anyone feels similar, but I find it strange to process this in my own head, separately from people who I shared experiences with Tika, so I wanted to reach out to the group. Even though we are dispersed across different countries and involved in all kinds of different activities and projects, I think it would be nice to have a virtual gathering of some kind, to chat and maybe say some words, memories, thoughts of / for Tika? On some video call app - open to suggestions about which. I am happy to facilitate this and try to make it happen (or co-facilitate, if others want to organise or have ideas too?) if there is interest.
Love Kitty (Sydney, Australia)
On Sun, 2 Aug 2020 at 19:22, Michal wrote:
I'm sorry to break this sad news to some of you, but want to spread the information about Tika's death.
This is from a fb post of her family:
To all Anna's/Tika's beloved friends✨ The 28th of July 2020, our beloved Anna/Tika passed away in a car accident in Israel. Our hearts go out to all of the hearts she touched with her loving being and we send you love and strength to go through this time in the beautiful memory of our shining Anna/Tika💚 With love from her family✨_______________________________________________ Biketourparticipants2018 mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to
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